PolyFarm LLC of Caldwell, Idaho

AR15 / M16 Cleaning Kit
Sales price without tax $14.50
Tax amount

A basic cleaning kit for your AR. Great to stow in your emergency cache or grab and go kit.

This kit is what it is.  Nothing fancy but a great affordable supplement for your emergency gear.  Think range bag, vehicle, survival gear.  Store one with each AR.

Here's what the manufacturer has to say:

GI-style cleaning kit includes utility brush/cleaning brush, bronze bore brush, bronze and stainless steel chamber brush, 5 cleaning rods, 1 small plastic bottle (they say 2 bottle but its actually only one) for oils or solvents.  Allin a handy nylon pouch with 2 compartments.

...end manufacturer's information.


The pouch is actually not bad.  It has a three snap flap under which are the two compartments each with a velcro closure.  The pouch also has a stitched on piece of fabric that might take a thin belt but could otherwise be used for attachment.  It also comes with a metal clip for attachemtn to webbing gear or such.  In the kit we counted  there were also 15 pipe cleaners each about 6" long. 


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