PolyFarm LLC of Caldwell, Idaho

Sales price without tax $129.00
Tax amount

Access via remote or glow-in-the-dark keypad and the drawer pops open! Mount under the desk, on the shelf, or in your vehicle.

This one is slick.  Another solution for a compact pistol safe.  No need to reach into this one because the drawer pops open for access.

Three ways to open...  remote control, glow-in-the-dark keypad, or hidden keyed bypass.

Mounting brackets engage on either side and are reversible.  Installs on top of a surface or hangs underneath.

Desk, bookcase, night stand, coffee table, inside the kitchen cabinet, under the kitchen cabinet, vehicle under the seat or under the dash... Install several in convenient locations.


-- As far as we know, this product is NOT California DOJ approved. --


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