PolyFarm LLC of Caldwell, Idaho

Eva-Dry Dehumidifier, model DDV-1100
Sales price without tax $59.95
Tax amount

A true dehumidifier. Pulls the water out of the air and captures it in a removable tank.

A true dehumidifier, this unit extracts the moisture from the air and collects it as water in a removable reservoir.  Remove the reservoir cup, dump the water, re-install the cup, and you are up and running again.  The unit automatically senses a full reservoir and shuts off to avoid spillage.

Instead of conventional refrigeration mechanisms a thermo-electric device is employed to condense the moisture.  The manufacturer claims 1100 cubic feet of protection.

Requires power.  Supplied wall adapter outputs 9V @ 2.5A suggesting that the unit itself operates on less than 23 Watts!  Don't worry about cooling your protected space as the unit has a net heating effect.

6" wide x 8.5" high x 5" deep


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